
The tutorials here give a basic idea of the workflow of NAPS along with some example analysis and quality control code.

Basic NAPS Usage

Preparing a dataset for NAPS

What you need to proceed:

  1. A slp file with putative tracks from SLEAP (and ideally a h5 analysis file corresponding to the SLEAP file.)

  2. The video used to generate the tracks

  3. Knowledge of the tag node in your SLEAP skeleton

We start by preparing a dataset for NAPS. To run NAPS, you will first need to have a SLEAP file with putative tracks assigned by one of the trackers in SLEAP. We strongly recommend going through the tutorials on sleap.ai to learn how to do this.

For the purpose of this tutorial, we will use the toy data provided in tests/data/ on the NAPS GitHub repository. The data includes a slp file with putative tracks from SLEAP, a h5 analysis file corresponding to the SLEAP file, and the corresponding video file.


While NAPS will allow you to directly input the results of sleap-track, we strongly recommend you also convert this to an analysis h5 using sleap-convert if you will be troubleshooting your workflow. Directly reading in the locations from the h5 drastically increases speed.


While this tutorial is more complete, we also provide a simple example of running the workflow on Google Colaboratory which can be found in the notebooks section Notebooks

Running NAPS on the command line

The most direct usage of NAPS is through the CLI. After installing NAPS, naps-track covers the most basic usage. Check out naps-track for the full documentation of the interface including default values.

naps-track [-h] --slp-path SLP_PATH [--h5-path H5_PATH] --video-path
    VIDEO_PATH --tag-node TAG_NODE_NAME --start-frame START_FRAME
    --end-frame END_FRAME
    [--half-rolling-window-size HALF_ROLLING_WINDOW_SIZE]
    --aruco-marker-set ARUCO_MARKER_SET
    [--aruco-crop-size ARUCO_CROP_SIZE]
    [--aruco-adaptive-thresh-win-size-min ADAPTIVETHRESHWINSIZEMIN]
    [--aruco-adaptive-thresh-win-size-max ADAPTIVETHRESHWINSIZEMAX]
    [--aruco-adaptive-thresh-win-size-step ADAPTIVETHRESHWINSIZESTEP]
    [--aruco-adaptive-thresh-constant ADAPTIVETHRESHCONSTANT]
    [--aruco-perspective-rm-ignored-margin PERSPECTIVEREMOVEIGNOREDMARGINPERCELL]
    [--aruco-error-correction-rate ERRORCORRECTIONRATE]
    [--output-path OUTPUT_PATH] [--threads THREADS]


While the defaults arguments work for the example data, nearly all usage of NAPS beyond the example dataset will require fine tuning of parameters.

naps-track --slp-path example.slp --video-path example.mp4 --tag-node-name tag --start-frame 0 --end-frame 1200 --aruco-marker-set DICT_5X5_50 --output-path example-naps.slp --aruco-error-correction-rate 0.6 --aruco-adaptive-thresh-constant 7 --aruco-adaptive-thresh-win-size-max 23 --aruco-adaptive-thresh-win-size-step 10 --aruco-adaptive-thresh-win-size-min 3 --half-rolling-window-size 20

The resulting file, example-naps.slp, is in the SLEAP Project file format and can be opened directly with SLEAP.

After NAPS

If we want to post process data from NAPS, it’s easy to follow directly with SLEAP tutorials. See sleap.ai/tutorials/tutorial. We can also remove unassigned tracks by opening the SLEAP GUI > Custom Instance Delete > Delete all instances with no track identity. The remaining tracks with have been assigned to ArUco tags and the track names will expose the n

Example: Importing HDF5 files into Python

The resulting HDF5 can be read into Python, as shown in the SLEAP tutorial, as follows:

import h5py
import numpy as np

filename = "example-naps.analysis.h5"

with h5py.File(filename, "r") as f:
    dset_names = list(f.keys())
    locations = f["tracks"][:].T
    track_names = f["track_names"]
    node_names = [n.decode() for n in f["node_names"][:]]


print("===HDF5 datasets===")

print("===locations data shape===")

print("===track names===")
for i, name in enumerate(track_names):
    print(f"{i}: {name}")

for i, name in enumerate(node_names):
    print(f"{i}: {name}")